Installing an asphalt shingle roof requiresskill and experience. Otherwise, the result might not withstand the weather andlast a long time. Below are some of the techniques professional roofers use toget asphalt shingle installation right.
They Use Proper Tools
A professional roofing contractor is morelikely to have the proper tools than a DIY installer is. Shingle installationrequires various tools and equipment, such as:
The right tool for each job results in lesswastage and clean installation results.
They Prepare the DeckProperly
Roofing contractors prepare the deck beforebeginning shingle installation. Deck preparation is necessary for both new andreplacement roofs. The preparation ensures that:
Proper deck preparation allows the shingles tolie flash on the roof. Otherwise, the shingles might not be aestheticallypleasing. Shingles that don't lie flush on the roof are also susceptible todamage, such as water damage.
They Ensure the FirstShingle Layer Is Square
Professional roofing contractors understandthe significance of the first shingle layer. The first layer sets the tone forthe rest of the layers. Getting the first layer crooked means that the rest ofthe layers will be crooked too. Roofing contractors use different methods toget the first layer square. For example, some roofers use chalk lines to alignall the shingle layers properly.
They Work From theBottom Up
Professional roofers install shingles from thebottom and work their way up the roof. This installation direction is not bychance. Working from the bottom means that each shingle covers the previousshingle's top. The arrangement protects the roof from water damage since waterflows down the roof due to the force of gravity and cannot back up under theshingles.
They Work Bundle byBundle
Roofing manufacturers package shingles inbundles for each of transportation and handling. You might see slight colorvariations between shingles from different bundles. Having shingles fromdifferent bundles in the same area of the roof can produce an unattractive mixof colors.
Professional roofers understand this andinstall shingles bundle by bundle. That is, your roofer will finish shinglesfrom one bundle before moving to the next. That way, you will have even colorson each section of the roof.
They Practice ProperNailing
Nailing is one of the most critical parts ofshingle installation. Proper nailing:
Below are the things roofers use to nailshingles properly:
Proper nailing of shingles is a matter of bothskills and experience.
JCB Roofing has been active in the roofingindustry since 1998. We pride ourselves in high-quality roofing work — be itinstallation, repair, or maintenance. Contact us for a quote on any roofing service youneed and enjoy our Master Elite Roofers professional services.